We launched our website to share information with our values customers.
In this first development of the website, we have included the basic features only. Day by day we will develop a more sophisticated website with more information.
Easiest way to export & import
We launched our website to share information with our values customers.
In this first development of the website, we have included the basic features only. Day by day we will develop a more sophisticated website with more information.
“Our news section will have all our important updates and news on upcoming events. Over time this section will grow into an invaluable hub for you as parent partners to refer to.”John Smith
Any feedback on the website is always welcome. Thank you for visiting our website.
Aenean nec eros. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Suspendisse sollicitudin velit sed leo. Ut pharetra augue nec augue. Nam elit agna,endrerit sit amet, tincidunt ac, viverra sed, nulla. nec augue. Nam elit agna, endrerit sit amet, tincidunt ac, viverra sed, nulla. Donec porta diam eu massa. Quisque diam lorem, interdum vitae, dapibus ac.
Vestibulum iaculis lacinia est. Proin dictum elementum velit. Fusce euismod consequat ante. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipis. Mauris accumsan nulla vel diam. Ut pharetra augue nec augue.
Nam elit agna,endrerit sit amet, tincidunt ac, viverra sed, nulla. Donec porta diam eu massa. Quisque diam lorem, interdum vitae, dapibus ac, scelerisque vitae, pede. Donec eget tellus non erat lacinia fermentum. Donec in velit vel ipsum auctor pulvinar.
Vestibulum iaculis lacinia est. Proin dictum elementum velit. Fusce euismod consequat. Ut tellus dolor, dapibus eget, elementum vel, cursus eleifend, elit. Aenean auctor wisi et urna. Aliquam erat volutpat. Duis ac turpis. Donec sit amet eros. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consecvtetuer adipiscing elit.
Last year, most logistic delivery companies, food delivery companies, and chain grocery stores, were struggling to cope with the sudden spike in orders and left many customers with a bad experience. This year, many have taken on necessary changes and expansions realising that deliveries are here to stay
Anita runs an online business that sells cosmetics and clothing items at a reasonable price.
After launching in mid-2019 she became quickly popular, until she hit a snag with reliably delivering her products to customers.
She did not have enough capital to employ a renowned delivery company and instead relied on a newly launched delivery company. This delivery company performed fine at first, but failed utterly as soon as the pandemic began.
Anita’s phone rang off the hook – customers received damaged products, products arrived late, and the delivery people misbehaved.
When she complained to the company, Anita always received empty promises instead of a refund.
This was a fairly common story for most e-commerce and F-commerce entrepreneurs last year. The whole industry struggled to cope with the overnight spike in delivery orders.
For consumers, ordering online – even essentials like groceries – meant hours of waiting to get the order through on the website, days of waiting for the orders to arrive, and then often receiving wrong products, damaged products or no products at all.
As the government ordered a new round of lockdowns earlier this month, there was reason to fear that the horrors of last year, in terms of delivery failures, would be revisited. However, to many people’s surprise, online stories, delivery companies and even brick and mortar establishments appear to have taken the lessons from last year to heart and made changes to cope with the pandemic world.
Some have expanded their capacity to deliver by investing in manpower and reach, while others have invested in transportation. More and more traditional stores are building their own capacity to deliver goods to customers’ homes.
Pandemic prompts expansions
The delivery service industry has been changed forever by the ongoing pandemic .
From logistic delivery companies, to food delivery companies, to chain grocery stores, every platform has modified its strategy to expand.
Renowned on-demand digital platforms such as Foodpanda and Pathao also incorporated changes and new strategies to their services by introducing door-to-door delivery service for groceries and essential items.
Super shops or chain grocery stores such as Agora also introduced home delivery services to make ends meet.
Delivery services owned by logistic companies are processing and delivering twice as much products compared to last year. To facilitate this spike, delivery companies have recruited more delivery agents, added more vehicles and warehouses to their fleet and even provided residential support to the delivery agents.